Geo Blenz Chic Blue
Geo Blenz Chic Blue
Geo Blenz Chic Blue
Geo Blenz Chic Blue
Geo Blenz Chic Blue
Geo Blenz Chic Blue

Geo Blenz Chic Blue

Introducing our Geo Blenz Chic lenses, incredibly natural lighter-colored eyes can be yours. The design features 3-tone shades with no limbal ring, creating the most realistic eye color that we all crave. Geo Blend Chic series blend beautifully with your real eyes, effectively lighten your dark eyes in the most natural way, and ensure you feel comfortable all day long.

Disposable Type Yearly Wear
Material Polymacon
Base Curve 8.6mm
Lens Diameter 14.2mm
Graphic Diameter 12.8mm
Water Content 40±2%

Geo Blenz Chic Blue


Why choose ilovelens contacts?


80% said more comfortable than regular lenses

Our lenses are not only FDA approved, they are made with optimal water content and moisture to provide exceptional comfort.


3-layers Sandwich Color Techology

Pigments layer is embedded between two transparent protective layers to prevent direct contact with the eye, ensuring safety and durability.


Over 200+ Wide Variety of selection

We have more than 200 styles caters to your fashion, cosplay or daily needs, ensuring a blend of comfort, safety, and style for any occasion.